Calendar - Stay Connected with Calvary Chapel Abide

Sep 24, 2022

Explore Our Community Events and Services

Welcome to the Calendar page of Calvary Chapel Abide, your go-to source for the latest updates and events happening in our faith-based community. Join us as we gather together to worship, learn, and grow in our faith. Our Calendar is designed to keep you in the loop about our exciting events, services, programs, and special occasions.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for upcoming events that cover a wide range of topics and interests. We strive to offer diverse opportunities for fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. From engaging Bible studies to uplifting worship nights, there's something for everyone at Calvary Chapel Abide.

Worship Gatherings

Our weekly worship gatherings are a central part of our community. Join us as we come together to praise and worship the Lord. Experience the power of collective worship and get inspired by heartfelt sermons that will encourage and challenge you in your faith journey.

Bible Studies and Small Groups

At Calvary Chapel Abide, we believe in the importance of studying God's Word and growing in our knowledge and understanding of Scripture. Our Bible studies and small groups provide a nurturing environment where you can dive deeper into the teachings of the Bible, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions.

Special Events and Guest Speakers

Throughout the year, we organize special events featuring renowned speakers and guest pastors who offer unique insights and perspectives. These events are designed to inspire, equip, and challenge our community in their faith journey. Don't miss out on these thought-provoking and life-transforming gatherings.

Serving and Outreach Opportunities

We believe in making a positive impact in our community and beyond. Join us as we engage in various service and outreach activities, partnering with local organizations to bring hope, love, and practical support to those in need. Discover meaningful ways to make a difference and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Stay Connected

To stay connected and receive regular updates about our upcoming events, services, and programs, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter. You can also follow us on social media platforms to engage with our vibrant community and connect with fellow believers.

Join Our Faith-Based Community

If you're seeking a welcoming and inclusive faith-based community, we invite you to join us at Calvary Chapel Abide. Our doors are open to individuals from all walks of life who are searching for God's love, grace, and wisdom. Experience authentic fellowship, meaningful connections, and spiritual growth in a warm and supportive environment.

Calvary Chapel Abide is dedicated to providing a nurturing and transformative space where individuals can encounter God's presence, learn from His word, and be part of a vibrant community that pursues a deeper relationship with Him.

We believe that faith is meant to be lived out in community, and we are committed to walking alongside you on your spiritual journey. Whether you're a long-time believer or simply exploring questions of faith, we welcome you with open arms.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions, need additional information, or want to get involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our friendly team is here to support and assist you in any way we can.

Thank you for visiting our Calendar page. We look forward to connecting with you and helping you find your place in our faith-filled community at Calvary Chapel Abide.

Sadid Ahmad
Looking forward to joining these faith-based events! 🙏🏻
Nov 8, 2023